#Game give me a drink bartender how to#
(This was in the dark ages before Uber was a thing.) I was stuck, and I didn't know how to secretly signal to a bartender - or, in my case, the barista - for help, so I figured I'd just ride it out and then ghost this dude immediately after I got home. I just tried to play it cool and act normal, because I had made the rookie mistake of letting him pick me up for the date and he was my only ride home.

He was fidgety and nervous and increasingly agitated. It started off perfectly normal, but about halfway through my macchiato, my date started acting strangely. Try to communicate with your ADC, makes it much easier engage and synchronize.The scariest date I ever went on was actually at a Starbucks, not at a bar. If you are on the losing side of botlane then play safe and look out for a good opportunity to Fling someone into the Tower. Use Poison Trail to harass enemys and to deal damage to them if they chase you. Tips and Tricks: You can Fling an enemy on a Mega Adhesive, then they will be rooted.

Focus on targets that are squishy and/or fed enemys by Fling them to your team and Mega Adhesive them. Dont forget to use Ghost and Insanity Potion to be able to catch the enemys and do the most damage. When you are going into a team fights as Singed try to proc your passive Noxious Slipstream on all your allies and then rushing in with Poison Trail to the enemys. Insanity Potion Is a "must use" whenever you are going in and have it available. You will notice that Insanity Potion is extremely good, It buffs all stats on Singed, gives him a movement speed buff and applies grievous wounds making it harder for the enemys to heal. Plated Steelcaps if you are up against high physical damage, Mercury's Treads if you are up against lots of immobilize champions, Boots of Swiftness for movement speed and to catch up with enemys easier.Īs a Singed Bartender you want to have a drink of your own right? let me introduce you to Insanity Potion! If you want to serve your customers then you want some good shoes so you dont slip! Focus on buying Mythic item first and after you can buy shoes depending on what damage the enemy has. When your Relic Shield is at 350-400g you can get Oracle Lens because you can place wards with your support item. A key thing with Singed is that your Fling is really good for flash bait. At level 3 you want to be more aggresive, try to shot your Mega Adhesive right behind them and Fling them (focus on ADC most of them time). Try to play safe around bot and kill Siege and Melee minions with Relic Shield as much as you can. Singed Gameplay: Lets get right into business, you want to start firstly with Relic Shield and 2 health potions in order to tank more damage in early game. I am planning on going ranked next year when the new season has started and I am going to try this build out to see really how good it is. not only is this build tanky, but it also gives you alot of damage. My goal is to make this the best Tank Support Singed build and I will be updating it whenever I feel like I can improve it. Its really fresh and Idk if its the best build for support but I have always had good games with this build. This is my Singed Support build that I have been working on. I am not gonna talk to much about myself right now, this is about you, my customer, and today I got something special for you.

After many matches of playing singed I had so much fun and good games that I just felt like I had to make a guide and show people how amazing it truly is. after playing him for a little I felt like he could do more then just toplane, and I wanted to take him botlane. The preseason just started and I fell in love again with a champion that I have not played in a long time, Singed. This guide will be about a champion I love and someone I want to take into my support picks. my playstyle has changed over the years but I have always found myself wanting to be a tank and helping my team at all cost. I started playing league of legends 2013 season 3. Hallo and welcome to my bar, Allow me to introduce myself, I am Shinkin and I will be your bartender.